Tuesday 11 March 2008

When I get an idea...

This is just a quick post on how I like to work and create. When I get an idea I find it hard to keep in my mind, doing other things means by the time I come to do it I forget what I was thinking. So what I like to do is have a pen and paper where ever I go. Sometimes that's not always possible, say when shopping or out for drinks. Instead I use my iPod! It has a “Notes” application which I can quickly type my ideas using the qwerty keyboard. Also since the iPod Touch was hacked someone has made a sketches application. Although not fantastic it does allow me to do a quick and simple drawing of any characters or environment that will then let me do a more detailed drawing when I get hold of some paper.

Would also like to use this post to mention some websites and desing companys I like.


Its a blog site which shows different animations across all styles and tells you a bit about them, it also has ome interesting interviews which I like as I can learn how professionals work.


behance is a website where users can join and summit great pieces of any type of work, most of the users are very talented and professional, meaning theres not much crap that gets in such as sites like deviantart.com.


A great animation company that has worked over films, TV and games, each time creating something that I think is really stunning to watch. Below is there current showreel for you to see what I mean.

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